Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Phoenix Coffee Shop

Here is a picture of my art studio..or the summer kitchen of our house. Art studio is way better. I love summer, everything is so lush and green and beautiful. It really stinks to think that in 3 months there could be snow. Gross. Anyways here is my day.......

Today I went to the Phoenix Coffee Shop that is next to Rob's store. I ordered the hummus plate and iced peach green tea. The guy working the counter told me he was really excited to make my hummus plate. Nobody ever orders them and he has only done 3 before. When it came out it looked very nice, he really took his job in making my hummus plate very seriously. Anyways I worked on rubrics and stuff for school. Not that much fun. I came home and worked on some more collages with all of the art supplies I bought at Prizm Art store on Mayfield Rd. I got like a million canvases and more matte medium and gloss medium to varnish my artworks. Such a difference! Anyways I was super productive today and my birthday is tomorrow so I am going to relax! My husband got me a new ipod (its green!) and the nike ipod thing that tracks how far you run. It is so amazing! If you like to run randomly around the neighborhood like I do, this is the thing for you...it tells you how far you go, calories burned and there is a voice that comes over the music to tell you when you have ran each mile. I am in love. Ok well I am going to try to upload a video I made on drawing a mouth. If it works let me know what you think.

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