Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Weepies: "The only steps that matter are the ones you take all by yourself"

I am obsessed with the musical group the Weepies. I just purchased their cd Hideaway and cannot stop playing it! The Weepies are made up of talented husband/wife team Deb Talen and Steve Tannen. Their music is very folksy and I think their lyrics are very thoughtful and insightful. Check out their website

Well this week has been very crazy and stressful. The first week of school always seems to be. It is hard getting back into the swing of things. I was unable to work on any of my art because I was at school all day and then came home and worked on my masters class (I am working on a masters in educational technology through Cleveland State University...all online!) Today I was able to play around with some of my Art Trading Cards and was also able to collage some of my flower cutouts to a canvas I painted. When I finish the artworks I will post them on here.

I am so glad that this weekend is a long weekend! More time to work on art! I have been trying to draw in my sketchbook daily. I have been working on a face-a-day sketch. I really want to improve on some techniques and I know the only way to get better is to practice, practice, practice! I also am going to start posting a weekly sketch online. I am going to do it from observation and it will be narrative about what is going on in my life. I will to get it up as soon as I can so stay tuned.

Fall will be here before you know it and I am actually a little excited. I love summer but there is just something so wonderful about pumpkins, crisp apples, candy corn and new fall clothes that makes me so happy. I wonder how the fall will inspire my art? The summer really changed my art this year. I have been incorporating birds, flowers and trees into my art recently. Maybe I will focus more on the organic beauty of trees and fallen leaves in my art? Who knows. All I know is that I feel so inspired lately and I love it!

Well I am getting very tired and need to sleep! I will write soon. Cheers!

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