Monday, September 15, 2008

Fun new project: Arthouse scavenger hunt

Well it has been about a week since I last posted. Sorry! I have been so busy with school and working on artwork for Just wanted to write about this exciting new art project I am a part of. It is through in Atlanta, Georgia. I think anyone can still sign up for the Scavenger Project. Basically I received a list of items that I need to illustrate and send back to Arthouse. They are putting together a book full of the artwork received and selling it. Every artist is promised at least one artwork in the book. The packet came for me on Friday and here is an example of some of the items on the list:

In the middle

Alphabet Soup

There, their, they're

Wild Beasts

There are 24 items which include two envelopes and a hang tag...I cannot wait to start this project! I will update this blog with images from my illustrations.


10 things I did over the weekend:

1. Was in a blackout!
2. Watched Dan in Real the blackout...thank goodness my laptop had some juice left!
3. Pulled out of storage my glass pumpkin and twiney/branch pumpkin.
4. Worked on my masters class.....blah!
5. Worked on lots of art!!!! Soon to be all on etsy (michellebrunner is my shop!)
6. Ran one day (Sunday morning...before the crazy wind storm that caused the blackout!)
7. Watched Dear Frankie with Rob...good the Scottish Accents!
8. Ate too much candy...candy corn, snow caps...yum.
9. Lit a bunch of candles and read something for school...candles always make things more fun...
10. Drove home at 4 am from Cleveland on Monday (today!) I am soooo tired from it...I need to go to bed!

Well I am off to bed...have a good one.

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