Sunday, September 28, 2008

Marble Art

Good Morning! Well this weekend has been very lazy! I am sure it will continue today! Currently I am on my 2nd cup of coffee. Check out this adorable mug I got at Marshalls this past summer. Such a find! I of course bought a bunch!

Today my artwork is on the main showcase on Etsy...we will see if anything will come out of it!

My plans for today include waking up the husband, going to brunch at Joseph Beth Bookstore's Cafe and collecting items for my classes tomorrow. Tomorrow I plan on having my special needs students do a painting with leaves. This is the perfect time of year to collect different leaves and use them as stencils. You can also print with leaves, you just want to be careful how much paint you use!

On Friday my special need students and I painted with marbles. It was soo much fun! What you do is:
1. Find a box or a container- you get different effects depending on the size of your container so experiment!

2. Place paper on the bottom of the container

3. Collect some marbles (other balls work as well but with different effects) Marbles move really quickly across the paper so you end up with really crazy lines across the paper.

4. Either place the marbles into paint or drop paint onto the paper...make sure the paint is kind of watery. Put the marbles into the container.

5. Shake the container and make the marbles race across the paper! Do this as long as you want! Add different colors, add more or less marbles.

So much fun:) We will be trying this with hotwheel cars next...hopefully it works out!


  1. no no no you forgot to add:

    in step 5: sing "shake shake shake , shake shake shake, shake your marbles, shake your marbles." repeat as many time you shake... while you are shaking. :)
    we would sing this with kids at the preschool, the 2 yr olds especially love it :)

  2. I've painted with marbles! I really need to take a gander at your I go..

  3. Your art is gorgeous! I love the bird print so much!!


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