Sunday, September 7, 2008

Productive Sunday

Well today has been a long and productive day cataloging all of my artwork and creating invoices. It is a pain but must be done for easy mailing! It was very rainy here this morning but ended becoming beautiful! The tree in our front yard has a couple of red leaves mixed with the green ones. I went on a run through my neighborhood and saw a house that already had a pumpkin and mums in front of their door. I will have to bust out my fall wreath.

I found these cool paintings at Crate and Barrel the other day and thought I would showcase them! I am very into silhouette art lately...especially when plants, flowers or animals are concerned! Well I better get some rest, I have to get up at 4am tomorrow! Yuck!

Song of the day: "Summer Wind" by Madeleine Peyroux

5 Things I did today:
1. Cataloged my art
2. Sat in the sun with Jack
3. Ran through my neighborhood in the evening
4. Watched a snippet of When Harry Met Sally on TV

5. Ate my first Honeycrisp apple of the season

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