Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Tired Tuesdays

On this rainy Tuesday...all I feel like doing is taking a nap! I am going to try to work on some collages today but mostly will work on projects for my classes.

Listen to this crazy, cool idea one of my students has:

For the "20 Drawings" assignment (find an object and draw it 20 times using 10 different media) One of my students is going to bring in a couple of eggs...some hard-boiled, some not. He is going to draw the eggs 20 different times....showing the egg being cracked, the yolk, some of the egg shells, etc.....I am excited...this is such a creative idea!


  1. can you post some of them...sounds like wonderful project...oh and I love you new avatar photo!

  2. Oh, don't look like you're napping! I have barely been able to drag my butt outta bed the last couple weeks...now *I* need a nap ;-)



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