Sunday, October 12, 2008

Art Pen Pals

Good morning! Hope everyone has had a wonderful weekend so far! I thought I would just post a quick fall-inspired painting/collage I did on a watercolor postcard. I am sending this postcard out to my aunt who lives in Chicago and who has always been a big supporter of my art and basically every artist she meets! I love people like that, don't you?!!

To start this artwork I first painted the whole background a beautiful copper color (golden fluid acrylics are my fav!) and then painted the dandelions on top. Lastly I cut out a little bird from one of my hand-painted papers and collaged him on with matte medium.

This was all done on some watercolor postcards I purchased at the art fun! I am almost tempted to put this in an envelope though so nothing happens to my artwork!

Anyways....if you have time today send someone you care about something arty like a card you made, a quick sketch, anything! Become art pen-pals! Have the other person send you something they drew or painted back...even if they are not an artist! I don't know about you but getting real mail...aka non bills or junk mail is a real treat and does not usually happen!

Now being an art pen-pal is not to get confused with trading artist trading! Use any format and any paper you want....I personally love decorating envelopes and enclosing drawings of whatever I am doing!

Alright, so now if you are bored you have something to do now!

I hope everyone has a great day and I will be back later today to post some projects from my Intro to Art class.


  1. michelle, your work is so lovely....what a special postcard for your aunt :)

  2. I have to laugh.How you just say, oh I did this little pic today *LOL*.Its so lovely.You do this so quickly,they turn out so sweet.Very talented.You have a great day too Michelle.

  3. Michelle, This is just beautiful. It has a Klimpt feel all about it that is full of romance.

    Also, I really love your your idea of sharing snail mail post cards in this way. I'm going to prepare something for my Mother's friend Anna Louise. She does not have a computer and I know that she would enjoy receiving something of this type.

  4. That is so pretty! Love the color choices!

  5. this inspires me to start sending out fun mail to my friends far away!!
    your postcard is lovely!

  6. What a FANTASTIC idea. I plan to post this idea (and an invitation for someone to join me) on my blog within the next few days...


  7. Just wanted to let you know, I posted photos from the art pen pal project on my blog today! Thanks again for such a great idea; I plan to do it again!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)