Sunday, October 19, 2008

Garage sale finds!

Well I never really do things at garage sales. I have nothing against buying anything at garage sales...I actually think garage sales are super cool. You see I have this little car and can never fit anything into it. Well this all changed yesterday.

I was out jogging through my neighborhood and saw a garage sale with all of this furniture! I had to stop. My husband and I have our first house but are slowly filling it with furniture we like...which takes time! I found a huge table and two chairs for the lovely price of $10! Where there is a will there is a way....I ran home and got my car and somehow was able to drive my finds home! The table was sticking out of the trunk but luckily I lived two streets away!

So today I painted my table and one of the chairs with white paint. The table is going to be my new art table and the chairs will find a home somewhere in our house! I am going to find some new fabric this week to upholster the seats. I can't wait! Here are some before and after shots of the furniture. The table was many dots! I had to scrape those babies off before painting...yuck!

Meanwhile I never got to finish my Christmas cards that I was going to do this weekend....oh well at least I have some new furniture:)


  1. $10! You can't beat the price! Show us the table after you finish painting it. ( plus you won't mind it getting "dirty" with work projects) Each splater of paint or scratch in the finish is done with love of what you are doing..right?

  2. I like garage sales.Ive sorta stopped with them though.Been very busy with work overload etc.Besides here its fall and really a cool one this year.So many if not all of them are done.Good luck on painting the chair and as ethan allen said above please let us see the end project.Good luck Michelle.


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