Sunday, October 5, 2008

Today I am making a point to get a lot of work done! The weekends seem to go by so fast and I feel like I am never as productive as I want to be. Right now I am going to put some coffee on, clear off my work space and get started on some new artwork to put on etsy. This little tree should have leaves by the end of the day! I will hopefully have some pictures to post tonight of this collage and some new ones. Here is to a wonderful work day! *Cheers* (from my coffee mug to yours!)


  1. Kalimera Michelle!(goodmorning)I cant wait to see the fall tree with its leaves.Visit my blog today,with your coffee, Im having tea.Have a lovely day!

  2. are u ?.. i mean to add my blog url to ur list of favourites and subscribing me too , and i will do the same for u...


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