Saturday, November 22, 2008

Feels like Christmas Already!

Even though it is not even Thanksgiving yet, in Cleveland it feels and looks like Christmas! We got a couple of inches of snow last night (I had to drive in it-yuck!) and it made everything white and pretty! This is outside my kitchen window looking out into my backyard. Notice the stained glass of my favorite things that I found at an antique store in 3 Oaks, Michigan! All I want to do today is put a fire in our fireplace, get some hot chocolate and snuggle up on the couch! Too much to do today though:)

My husband and I already started decorating for Christmas...slowly but surely. We put out our ornament bowl of blue and green bulbs (my favorite colors!), we hung ornaments from our window (Martha Stewart idea-love her!) and plugged in our mini little tree with the white twinkly lights! I LOVE this time of pretty! Tuesday night we are going to go all out with our decorations. We are going out of town for Thanksgiving so we are doing all of the decorating before so when we come back it will be all set up!

Hope everyone is having a relaxing and peaceful Saturday. I am finally going to pull myself away from this computer and get some work done.


  1. We also got about 2 inches of snow here and its veryyy cold.I did begin my decorating last night after cleaning the living room and dinning room.I put up my little tree with twinkling lights.I do the same as you in your window.But I use glitery snowflakes they look so nice.I put a red ribbon through and hang them.Yes I agree its so pretty makes you want to do a little decorating early.My birthday is on Thanskgiving day so im sure this year my decorating will be done by then.Enjoy!

  2. Becky,

    I love your idea to hang glittery snow flakes with ribbon! I am going to have to try it!

  3. I wish it was snowing here!!
    I love your decorations!


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