Saturday, November 15, 2008

Holiday Bird Series

Here is a series that I began at 3 am on Thursday! I woke up wide awake and could only think about when that happens! So I got up and worked until I had to get ready for school at 5:30 am. I just finished them last night and am going to be listing them on my etsy site today after I photograph them:) I think I might turn them into Christmas cards as well!


  1. thank you for visiting us! i love your artwork and how you show them in threes. you have a such a wonderful painterly touch. these would make the nicest holiday cards.

  2. I love the one on the top right Michelle.Very nice.

  3. I love them! And they would be GREAT Christmas cards--do it!

  4. wow! wow! wow! I love everything you do. xo t


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