Saturday, November 29, 2008

New Art...without birds!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Saturday so far- I have just finished three new collages and wanted to post them. They will be on etsy as soon as the husband mats them and photographs them for me. I actually did three collages without including a single bird! Unbelievable! I have moved on to new animals! I am really digging deer right now. So we shall see how many deer collages I can do! Here is a picture of the deer that come into my backyard frequently. They destroy my garden in the summer but are so cute!

Here are my new deer collages. I prefer to make my deer colorful!

Here is a new sailboat collage. I know it is kind of summery but oh well...I am already thinking of warm weather! You kind of have to when you live in the snowbelt!

My sailboat collages are inspired by my summers at cottages on Lake Erie and Lake Michigan. I just love the water and someday hope to have a house on the lake. How wonderful would it be to sit outside and have coffee every morning overlooking the lake?! Or hear the waves at night? That is my kind of heaven!

Well have a great Saturday, hope it is productive whatever you do! The husband and I have a family Christmas party (we do things early around here!)so should be gone all day. Tomorrow will be my productive day I think.

1 comment:

  1. Aw...those deer are so cute...and your collages are beautiful!


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