Monday, December 8, 2008

Inspiration Board

Do you have a place where you tack up things that inspire you? I have a large bulletin board that I put anything and everything that inspires me. Most of it includes collages I have made, pictures I have taken and random artwork and doodles I have done.

What is on your inspiration board?

Here is mine!

Close up:


  1. Lets see.Mine is a bulletin board.I have pics of dogs, pics of my border collie, some chritmas things from magazines,a prayer poem based on a poem by christina Rosetti.Then I have appointments posted I have to keep.

  2. this is one of those things I always mean to do and never get to...I keep thinking when I get my workspace the board will follow...xo

  3. your board is so wonderful and so you! i have one now, but it needs to be cleared and started again. it's just got too many layers.

  4. Hmmmm, mine is an old barn door I rescued from a hundred year old barn! I love the color and texture of it and that is where I put anything that inspires me such as quotes, photographs, artists, and artwork!

  5. looks pretty messy to me but well if it works , its good enough haha !..

  6. i have 3 boards! great for business and private life.


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)