Wednesday, January 7, 2009

10 Minute Sketch: Holy Guacamole!

Here is my latest 10 minute sketch. I drew this sketch after my husband and I had a major snack attack after I came home from school today. We had guacamole, chips, salsa, carrots and hummus. Kind of a weird combination but it was delicious:) I drew what was left over from our crazy snack attack. Strangely it was a knife (maybe we used it to cut the carrots...? We probably used it to open the guacamole package!) on a paper plate with some chips with guacamole on it. The drawing took 10 minutes as usual. The chips do not look like chips..this I know...but that is ok- I drew the basic shapes and finished in 10 minutes! I used oil pastels, watercolors and black pen to do this sketch.

If you have not entered my art giveaway please do so here.

Have a great night! Tomorrow I am going to post some self-portraits that my drawing students completed from observation. They have so much character and are really fun so please check back!


  1. I can relate with the snack attack, seems I have finished off the christmas cut outs tonight... YIKES!
    fun sketch, I love jumping over to see what you are doing. ( i have put you under my "muses" link )

    What grade or grades do you teach up in Cleveland? I am approx 2 hours south of you outside of columbus, So HI neighbor!

  2. Nolaa-
    Thanks for putting me under your nice of you:) I teach high school and just love it! Columbus is such a great little city! You must love living there!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)