Thursday, January 15, 2009

10 minute sketch: My favorite boots

Today's 10 minute sketch is of one of my favorite pair of boots. I bought these boots at Target (one of my favorite stores!) I live in Ohio so therefore I wear lots of boots throughout the winter. These are comfortable, cute, affordable and have 3 buckles! In my book, that is a good boot! Oh and yes the foot on the boot is that small...I wear a 5 1/2 which is freakishly small I know! I rarely can find cool shoes in my size! This sketch was done with watercolor and ink.

Hope everyone is staying warm is supposed to be -15 to -20. Usually we would have school canceled for tomorrow but since it is a teacher workday I will be forced to brave the cold!

I will be posting some fun new art projects my students did tomorrow so please stay tuned!

Happy Weekend Eve!


  1. oh, you need those boots girlie! my car was reading -7 today!
    what do teachers REALLY do on work days??

  2. I know it was SO cold today! Every school around us got canceled but we still had to go in:( On work days we do grades and organize our rooms and prepare is so much fun...ha!


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