Sunday, January 11, 2009

Art Giveaway: Last day is tomorrow!

Hello! If you have not entered the Art Giveaway please do so by Monday January 12th. The giveaway will close at 8 p.m central time. Thanks to all that have participated in my first one! I cannot wait to give my artwork a great, new home:)

I hope everyone has had a great weekend! I was basically snowed in for the majority of it. I did some artwork, some cleaning and watched old episodes of the Gilmore Girls (one of my guilty pleasures!) Kind of a lazy weekend if you ask me! Tonight I went to a Japanese steakhouse to celebrate my cousin's 30th birthday. Very fun and festive. They through food at you and expect you to catch it in your mouth! I definitely got a shrimp whipped at my face did not go in the mouth as planned.

Well here is my 10 minute sketch for today. I did the classic hand pose sketch. I used watercolor and a black pen. Very basic I know...oh well...hands are hard to draw and it is always good to practice them!

Have a great night!


  1. The hands look really good. Every time I sketch hands they look like stumps :)

  2. Yes I found out hands are really hard to draw.The last pic I sketched I posted.Dont know if you saw it or not.The laft hand looked like a claw.But I was impressed with all of the rest of it.Oh well,art class begins tommorrow.


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)