For the early exam project students were to draw a collection of 7 items from observation. They could use their favorite medium or combination of media (we previously worked with all different kind of media such as paint, charcoal, pencil, pen, oil pastels and colored pencils on other projects.) I had in class a box of wooden shapes, a collection of glass bottles, a box of shoes and fake flowers. If they wanted to bring in their own collection they could. My main objective was to have students draw from observation and to shade the objects to make them appear 3-D. I will be posting this lesson to my educator page if you want to check back for it.

Shapes done with pencil

Shapes done in ink on a light gray painted background

There is always one really creative student! This was done with oil pastels on a painted background.

My bulletin board of shapes (this was a popular item to draw apparently!)

Art supplies done with ink on a painted background

Perfume bottles done with a charcoal pencil on a painted background
wow great work! teaching is great isnt it? I really miss it!!
Teaching is pretty great! I feel very lucky:)
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