Saturday, January 3, 2009

Retro Flash Back Video/ a-ha Take On Me

Ok...I know this video is more than 20 years old but I still love it! This is Take on Me by Norwegian band a-ha and I just love the drawings in this video! So cool when art and music collide, don't you think?! Anyways...just thought I would take you back a couple of decades. Just some quick trivia about this video courtesy of Wikipedia:

-This music video first broadcast in 1985 in Boston and later on MTV.
-This video was a combination of rotoscope-style animation and live-action (with real actors.)
-The director was Steve Barron
-This video was ranked by MTV as the 3rd best videos of all time (behind Michael Jackson's Thriller and Peter Gabriel's Sledgehammer.)

What is your favorite music video of all time?


  1. i remember that video - it's good. i don't know if it's my favorite video of all time, by i love the song 'drive' by incubus and the drawn part of the video is cool.

  2. White Snake. Hot chick on car hood

    Twani or something other.


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)