Sunday, February 15, 2009


Hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine's Day. The husband and I really did not do anything too special. He repainted part of our kitchen and I worked on some new art that I will be posting soon and hopefully will be putting into my etsy shop.

The husband and I have been together since we were in high school, we actually just celebrated our 10 year anniversary of being together! We have been married for almost 3 of those years! Sometimes just being together is what makes things special!

What did you do on Valentine's Day?


  1. It's true...I think you can be a little more "relaxed" about the day when you know you are in a committed relationship with the one you love! The hubby and I went out to watch a theatrical ballroom dance performance on Fri...very romantic! Yesterday was a low-key day, but we are going to our favorite b&b tomorrow! Aah, a room with a whirlpool tub (built for 2)

  2. wow, 10 years! That's awesome, congrats! You two are precious

  3. 10 years, wow! you two look so happy together! :)

    we had a quiet night in and made some cupcakes

  4. Congrats! Marriage is a true adventure.. Can't wait to see the new work!

  5. congratulations on 10 years! i agree that often it's enough just to hang out together.


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)