Thursday, February 5, 2009

Pink Moon Boat

I wish it was warm enough to go sailing! Here is one of my little boat collages. I am so inspired by the water and cannot wait until I can actually go to the beach again! These Ohio winters are killing me! Stay warm and think happy thoughts! It is supposed to hit 45 this weekend for us! Yay!


  1. I don't think I've ever gone sailing but that artwork is beautiful! :D

  2. I think my favorite pieces of your art are you collages! because they are so well balanced.

  3. This is so cute and I LOVE the title. Very peaceful and sweet.

    Makes me want to hear "Moon River."

  4. this is beautiful, love the colors!

  5. I adore this piece. Very tranquil.
    Love the complimentary colors! ")
    Great work.

  6. Beautiful with such a soft dreamy feeling.


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)