Thursday, March 26, 2009

Favorite Ring from Aunt Olive

Hello! Sorry I have not been writing much on here lately but my life has been crazy busy at the moment! I am taking a break from the craziness by having a cup of delicious coffee with you right now!

Just wanted to show you my sweet ring I found among some costume jewelry given to me by my Great Aunt Olive a long time ago! I don't really remember Aunt Olive, but a lot of my family members say I look a little like her...kind of cool:) Anyways...everything she has given me has come back into style and I just love it! This ring has become a staple among my accessories and I wear it almost every day! So here is to Aunt Olive and her amazing taste in jewelry!

Hope you have a delightful day! I am off to go running and then on to school work!


  1. i love the ring, it's so nice to have these items that are passed on. makes them that much more special :)

  2. Your Aunt's name is awesome and so is that ring!!

  3. That's such a beautiful ring, I love marcasite.

  4. Lovely ring! Lovely photos, too - you are so pretty!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)