Thursday, April 9, 2009

Illustration Art and Breakfast

Yesterday was kind of productive (besides the random French party which actually ended up turning into more of a Mexican party when the husband developed a sudden craving for tacos...whatever...)

So anyways...I was playing around with my fancy illustration markers and also with paint and collage and came up with two little spring inspired mixed media artworks. They are a little different from what I usually do..what do you think?

Iris Garden

Lovely Little Hummingbird

I plan on doing some more art today and will post soon!

Oh...and I had the most amazing thing for breakfast...can be really healthy or really bad for you depending on what you like:)

It is just whole wheat bread (must be toasted!) with cream cheese and sliced good! Tastes kind of like strawberry shortcake! What is your favorite breakfast to eat? I also love pancakes with bananas! Yum..ok I am getting hungry again!

Have a lovely day!


  1. Your breakfast looks great! I used to love a bagel and cream cheese but the bottom half didn't..LOL! Now I enjoy any kind of toasted nut bread...lots of nuts. I like the hummingbird pic...colorful!

  2. "Iris Garden" is such a wonderful piece to look into. All the different shapes and movement. Love how the central flower directs the eye to the rest of the painting.

  3. i love your hummingbird and the breakfast looks very yummy. have a nice weekend!

  4. ooo i never thought of trying that combination out! sounds yum though! and love the hummingbird piece!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)