Wednesday, April 15, 2009

New Sketchbook

I splurged and bought myself a new hardbound sketchbook. I am so excited! I started doing some paintings and collage inside of it already. I love sketchbooks because you can be crazy and try new things!

Here are some of my crazy and unusual sketches/collages:

I am getting really into simplified forms of buildings and houses...I have been looking through my Art Deco books lately and can't get the Chrysler Building out of my head..I just love it:)

Birds + City+ Flowers= Crazy Sketch

Fairy? I am not sure yet...

So this is what I kind of worked on over my spring break...I am kind of changing up the style. I don't know about it yet but it is fun and therapeutic and at this point, I need something to relax me!
Well I am off to do more school work..I am hoping to get a lot done before Lost tonight! It is one of my guilty vices!


  1. I envy your creativity! I think if I had a book I would sit and stare at it for hours trying to put SOMETHING on the page. I am a big fan of white...LOL!

  2. Something about those clean white pages that make us want to really splash color all over them! I love hardbound sketchbooks too! Thanks for sharing your awesome sketches.

  3. those sketches look great ... love the color.

  4. 2nd lover of the crazy sketch! The colors and movement are amazing! Congrats on the new sketchbook. ") HAve fun!!!

  5. be's addicting!! and for the record..the crazier, the better!

  6. Cool sketches! I love getting new sketchbooks... so many possibilities waiting on all the pages! ;)

  7. I just bought a new sketchbook myself! Loving the cityscapes....

  8. Just playing some catch-up on your blog. Really loving your recent stuff--sketch book, the drawing a couple of posts up, and the new hot air balloon collage. All great!!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)