Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Workin' on some art...bought some cute things...

Good Morning All! Hope you are doing well. I am just trying to stay warm! It is blustery and snowy here...yuck!

Since it is my spring break and all I have decided to relax a little and do some artwork. I have started playing around with some collage ideas. Nothing is finished yet but I plan on doing some today since all I want to do is stay inside anyways!

Also I recently made some lovely purchases from one of my favorite etsy artists and blogger Stelabird. I bought some lovely earrings from her other shop You're a Dreamboat.

I bought these adorable purple flower earrings...perfect for spring! I also bought some lovely yellow rose earrings...delightful!

Stelabird also gave me a cute little owl magnet!

Isn't he adorable?! I put him next to my Andy Warhol and Van Gogh magnets...I think I'll name him Vincent!

If you would like to check out Stelabird's blog, click here!
I highly recommend it, she is so darn cute and funny!

Have a fantastic day...I am off to work out and then work on some art...I might even treat myself to a shopping spree at Target and the art store today...I need something to cheer me up on this cold, winter-like APRIL day!


  1. Sorry about the snow and to think, it's April! Cute earrings too..off to check out Stelabird's blog.

  2. AH!! You're the best!!!
    Those earrings look so cool on you!!!
    Thanks again!


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