Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Summer Art Studio!

Hello! Hope everyone is having a fantastic week so far! I only have three more weeks of school (not counting this week!) and I am so ready for summer! Last weekend I even opened up my summer art studio...

This is a little room off of our garage that has the perfect amount of space and light to be my painting studio! I just love it! Let me take you on a little tour...

This is my little table that I got for $10 at a garage sale and painted white! Perfect table for collaging on...I try to keep it clean!

Next up is the view of my backyard:

In the summer I have a beautiful garden that I overlook...right now there is not too much going on though!

Here is where I sit when I want to relax a little and think about what I will paint next:

Look at these beautiful lilacs I picked to put in my art room:

Here are some paintings I am currently working on....I hope to finish them soon. I am planning on adding lots of collage on top of the painted canvases.

I will post the finished paintings when I am done! Have a great night! I am off to get ready to watch LOST!


  1. your studio looks wonderful. love the lilacs and your paintings. michelle, i wish you would make your photos larger, so we could see more details.

  2. I will try to make them bigger:) They always seem to get blurry though!

  3. I love your studio Michelle, and your awesome artwork! My studio is a cabin beside my house but I feel as though I'm a million miles away when I'm in there! :)

  4. Love all the windows and light! Fabulous work space!! Thanks for sharing. It is so cool to see where other artists create. ")

  5. I can smell the fresh summer breeze, hear the birds singing their hearts out, and this is the sweetest little studio I have ever seen!

  6. What a wonderful place to work!! It's lookin' good!

  7. you have such a lovely studio... and so tidy looking!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)