Monday, June 15, 2009

New art and sketchbook sharing!

I finished this artwork a little while ago but have not had time to post it...oh how I miss doing art! I cannot wait until my summer classes are over with! I am planning on doing a second one similar to this one so they can be hung together!

Here is an artwork that I did in college for fun (almost 9 years ago!) It is so simple yet one of my favorite artworks that I have done. I usually keep it in my classroom throughout the year but brought it home over the summer to look at for inspiration!

I was looking through some of my old sketchbooks and came across these pages I thought i would share with you! Sometimes I like to go through magazines and cut out pictures and patterns that inspire me and sometimes I use them as starting points for my own artwork. I love this Chinese Proverb also: Buy the best and only cry once!

Here is another one from the same sketchbook:

Ever since I was little I loved going through home decorating magazines and cutting out pictures that inspired me. Where do you find your inspiration?


  1. Your sketch book completely shows your journey which I do love your inspiration pieces. I keep a lot of half finish work round so that i am inspired to finish them or make more unfinished work. :) love your work

  2. your paintings would make beautiful textiles and i love your sketchbooks. they're works of art, too.


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)