Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Tropical Bird

Here is one of my latest artworks called Tropical Bird. It was influenced by my upcoming trip to Hawaii in two weeks. Did I mention that I am pretty excited about this trip?! I need a vacation for sure!

I just love how travel really influences an artist and their artwork. I find that whenever I go anywhere (even just to another state!) I am somehow inspired. Where is the most inspiring place you have ever gone?


  1. Hawaii?? I guess you'd be excited! Have a great trip, your art piece is beautiful. I need to ask , could you give me any advice on how to get followers to my blog?? I do try to visit and leave comments but I still only have 2 followers ( and they do not leave comments) Thanks Michelle!

  2. Have a wonderful trip to Hawaii! What a fabulous place, and talk about inspiration! Mahalo!

  3. Oh my gosh Michelle! You will get a lot of inspiration and relaxation in Hawaii! Have a great time. Love this piece!

  4. My most inspiring place would have to be Pella, Iowa.
    I know it sounds crazy but it is a beautiful town with wonderful old buildings. We stayed with friends outside of town and had a blast chasing fireflies and hiking through oat fields to ride horses at the neighbors. We spent July 4th watching the fireworks explode from other nearby amazing place! By far a place I want to return to with my paints and sketchbook! Have a FANTASTIC time in Hawaii!! Say hi to the plumeria for me!! ") HAppy summer!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)