Friday, July 3, 2009

Hawaii Adventure

Here are a couple of pictures taken from my Hawaii adventure.
First up: As soon as you get to Honolulu's airport, you will begin seeing these signs for the ladies restrooms...I love it!

Here is the sunset view from our hotel room....isn't it grand?! We stayed at the Hilton Hawaiian Village on Waikiki Beach. Such a wonderful hotel!

We had many bird visitors on our balcony, they were super cute!

Here is me on our balcony...yay for a beautiful view!

Along Waikiki Beach you will see surfboards everywhere! I so wish I was brave enough to learn!

Here is a view from our favorite restaurant called Tropics. It was located right on the beach in our food and drinks ever!

Here is my Waikiki Cobb salad that I ordered twice! It was quite delicious...yummy avocado!

Here is a beautiful view of the harbor that was right by our hotel...lovely isn't it?! I would love to ride on one of those boats!

Walking along Waikiki I saw a couple of these stores! I thought it was too funny!

More food pictures! The husband and I went to a wonderful Thai restaurant and I got the summer rolls...they were so pretty and delicious!

The husband and I had a wonderful trip...we just love Hawaii! We cannot wait to get our kayaking pictures developed (we used a disposable waterproof camera.) Hope you enjoyed looking at our pictures:)


  1. color me JEALOUS!!! check you out fancy girl! Beautiful! I am need of a getaway!

  2. great pics! i have similar ones from maui...gorgeous views and tasty food :)


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