Thursday, July 23, 2009

Simple Pleasures 2

I did a post a couple of weeks ago called Simple Pleasures. Here is the second installment to this series!

This little still life:

These delicious strawberries in my favorite Michael Aram bowl:

This lovely container that holds my cooking utensils (that I rarely use...the husband does all of the cooking!) I love the color and the organic shapes of the pattern!

This photo of my dad and me from my wedding. I love how candid it is! I hate posed boring!

This vintage book on birds...very inspiring!

My collection of shells...I just love their shapes and how they all look together.

What are some of your simple pleasures?


  1. I think mine would be my dog... Or wait, does it have to be an inanimate object? :P I love all your bowls and how you've arranged them!

  2. i love the flowers and shells. the photo of you and your dad is wonderful, too. have a nice weekend!

  3. Sometimes it doesn't take much to be happy, right? Very lovely items, by the way.

  4. Ooooh - I remember that bird book! My mom has a copy and I used to love looking at it as a kid.

  5. Lovely post! I would add fresh cut wildflowers in a simple vase and my small collection of beach glass.


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)