Wednesday, September 30, 2009

I heart post-its

Dear Art Pen Pal,

I just sent you a letter and here is a clue as to what is in it:)


hehe..I love having an art pen pal:)

On another have you been? I am still kind of bad about posting on this blog. I have been very busy with school and have just posted some art on my classroom blog.

I am having a great year so far and actually have an art show in November that I am pretty excited about. I have not shown my art in about 5 1/2 years! I know it will be fun:)

I have been feeling pretty inspired lately and cannot wait to create some new art.

Here is a mini canvas that I painted that is just waiting to get finished (my little white bird likes to sit near it and pretend it is by the ocean)

Meanwhile I can't stop listening to Madeline Peyroux...she is my favorite!

Have a great evening! I will post soon!

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