Sunday, September 6, 2009

Return to blogging!

I am back. I have not been blogging for a couple of weeks in order to gather my thoughts and ideas together. Life has been very crazy and I kind of needed a break from my computer in general.

So...Hello again! How have you been?

Happy Labor Day weekend...I hope you are enjoying it, I know I am!

Yesterday the husband and I went kayaking in Lake was such a beautiful day!
We had a cookout last night. I honestly made nothing...I was just along for the food:)
The husband made: Asparagus, Corn on the Cob and Shrimp....yum!

Aren't my napkins cute?! I think adorable napkins are a necessity in dining! They just make everything look great:)

Art-wise, I have been focusing on drawing and painting more realistically. Since school is back in session, I find that I need to be on top of my game more when helping students. Before school started I completed the following artworks (not realistic at all!):

A cafe painting that hangs in my kitchen:

3 Vase Series:

Well I hope your weekend is fantastic! I am off to go running now and then the husband and I are taking a train downtown Cleveland for an Indians game! I am not much of a baseball fan but love to go into the city and sitting in the sun sounds great:)


  1. I totally agree about the napkins. ")
    Glad to have you back and hope you are having a good start of the school year!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)