Saturday, October 10, 2009

Scenes from the country...

Last weekend the husband and I went and stayed with his parents. His parents live out in the country in the most picturesque area. I LOVE to stay out there. It is so quiet and peaceful and pretty:) Here is what I saw when I stayed out there:

Check out those cornfields!

I love the contrast between textures of the corn and the grasses!

Last dandelions of the season...oh how they remind me of summer!

These are everywhere! I just love the handmade quaint:)

My favorite barn...I just love the color!

I would love to have fruit trees like these in my yard

And who would not want to live on Rainbow Drive? Love the street name!

Well I hope you have a relaxing Saturday...I am off to go run outside, it is actually NOT raining right now! Yay!

1 comment:

  1. beautiful photos michelle ~ can see how you'd be relaxed in a place like this :)


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