Monday, December 28, 2009

Happy Holidays!

Well I am back! I have been absolutely terrible about writing on my blog! I have been very busy teaching and running around for the holidays! I have the whole entire week off and am looking forward to catching up on a lot of things that I have been neglecting lately. This blog is one of them:)

First off, I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday! I know New Years Eve is a couple of days away and the husband and I are still trying to figure out our plans. The husband is part owner of a pizza shop and usually has to work on New Years Eve...never a fun thing for me!

Since I have not been a very faithful blogger these past couple of months, I thought I would post some pictures to show you what has been going on with me.

In November I participated in a local art show. Here are some pictures from that show:

Here is my display:

Here are some of the items I was selling at the show:


Holiday Cards:

Here is the Husband and I at the show. He was the best helper:)

After the art show the Husband and I went into full holiday mode!

We put up our Christmas tree

And enjoyed some sweet holiday drinks and foods

We had a lovely holiday!

Today it is very snowy and cold here in Ohio. I plan on experimenting with some recipes (I am trying to give up sugar for New far organic peanut butter has been my saving grace...I LOVE sweets!) working on some art and doing some light cleaning. What are your plans for the day?


  1. Wow you really have been busy! I love seeing other peoples Christmas trees and really liked yours, although I can see a hint of red, I quite like that the blues and greens are most dominant.

  2. Isn't it grand to have this week off! Last week it was all about the holidays, but this week it's all about studio time!

    Thanks for bringing us up to speed.Hope you find something fun to do for New Year's!

  3. Awww that's sweet that your hubby is your best helper! Love your displays and artwork Michelle. Happy New Year!

  4. your art show display looked sooooo inviting! great to "see" you again!
    running in the cold,,,brrrr! LOL! we just spent the first part of christmas in new orleans, home now and sitting by the fire for new years eve!
    take care!


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)