Wednesday, December 30, 2009


It is official...Winter is here to stay for awhile! In Ohio we barely had any snow before Christmas but on December 26th, we started to get the lovely white stuff. I love snow...I think it is beautiful!

Here is some winter-inspired pictures:

View from my kitchen window into my backyard

Some beautiful snow covered trees in my backyard


These little still- lives in my kitchen remind me of winter. I just love white on white! I think it looks so clean and fresh!

Well I am off to run outside in the snow! Here is a song I will be listening to on my run:

Have a lovely day:)


  1. Gorgeous view! Nothing like my current sunny south Florida view! Ugh! I wish to see that much snow in person one day :)

  2. hi, I'm Janice, painter/printmaker from Eugene, Oregon heading off to Nebraska Jan. 3rd for a 4 week artist residency. I don't live in snow and loved your photos. And next week my world might look like that!
    I found your blog via Michele Maule's blog...



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