Saturday, January 16, 2010


One of my dearest friends just gave me an adorable calendar filled with inspiring quotes.  This quote in particular caught my eye.  I just love the colors and the quote is so inspirational.

 I am going to frame and hang it in my studio or classroom (still deciding!) Lovely inspiration and fantastic typography don't you think?!  I'm a little obsessed with fonts and lettering lately if you haven't noticed?!   What quote inspires you?


  1. This is an old quote that I love. I read it for the first time in the book Think and Grow Rich. It has a deep meaning for me.

    Thank you for mentioning it again.

    Kindest regards,
    Tom Bailey

  2. Hmm... I like the idea of being a soul captain :D

  3. I love that quote. Lately for me I have been liking adventure quotes. :) Since I am the kind of person whom usually jumps in before I know I can swim.

    Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.
    Helen Keller

  4. you are such a great artist! i just checked out your etsy shop too, very nice!!

  5. Great quote! I am having some trouble with a quote to share... ugh, Monday morning. ;)


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)