Saturday, March 20, 2010

Lately I have been up to....

Hello Lovely Readers! Sorry I have been MIA lately! But I am back for now:)
Here is what is new with me lately:

I recently signed up for a painting class and have been working on some little paintings. It is SO relaxing and wonderful to go to a class and actually sit and paint and NOT worry about anything else for 2 hours! The first class we painted fruit from observation. Here is my mini painting I started there:

It is a pear and a banana from observation.  The pear is a little off...kind of looks like a mango! Oh well!

Here is a fruit inspired sketch I did a little while ago and just found.  I did this during my "interior" phase.  I used to be OBSESSED with home interiors and would constantly peruse Pottery Barn catalogs or Elle Decor in search of the perfect room to draw!

I also picked up a new sketchbook!  Very exciting to have a BRAND new sketchbook!  Here she is:

I painted the cover blue and glued a little white leaf cutout to make the sketchbook a little more personal. It is a mini one which makes it easy to bring everywhere!  I am envisioning in my head taking this with me to coffee shops and drawing the regulars sipping their lattes and eating biscotti.  I will have to post any drawings  I do!

I have done a couple of drawings so far in my new sketchbook.  They are pretty sketchy and rough but none the less were fun to do!
Here are some:

The top one is of a pot of flowers I just bought and the bottom one is from a picture I took when I was in Florence, Italy  a couple years back.  I am turning the bottom one into a painting right now in my painting class!  Will post soon!

So anyways...that is what is new with me!  What is new with you?  Hope you have a happy Spring Saturday!

I will leave you with this fabulous song from Scarlett Johansson and Pete Yorn called "Relator."  I have been listening to their new cd The Break Up a  LOT lately.  It is an amazing cd and I recommend it!

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