Sunday, March 28, 2010

Sunday Painting Show and Tell

Good morning (or afternoon...depending on what time of day you are reading this!)  I hope you have had a lovely weekend!  It was sunny and not too cold here in Ohio yesterday!  All of my bulbs that I planted last fall are starting to come up:)  Very exciting!

I recently started taking an acrylic painting class on Thursday nights and I wanted to show you some of the paintings I have started on.  Both paintings are not finished by any means, but I thought it would be fun to show their progress!

This is a little garden scene that I found in an old Martha Stewart magazine (I have a whole collection!)  I just fell in love with this picture and had to paint it.  Wouldn't it be wonderful to have a little set up like this in your backyard?  This painting above is actually cropped!  The right side is giving me trouble, so I will post the entire picture when I have finished it!

The scene below is painted from a picture I took when I was in Florence.  I posted a small sketch of this last week also!  This painting still needs some major work on making the lines a little straighter, but hopefully I will finish it soon:)

So there you have it!  There is my show and tell for today!  

Have a lovely day:)


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)