Thursday, June 10, 2010

Scenes from my day

Today I took these pictures as I was working in my garden and also cleaning out my summer studio.  I am so excited to get to work in my summer studio which is actually a summer kitchen.  Our house was built in 1949 and has all of these cool little things that a new house might not have like a summer kitchen:)

One thing I love about my summer studio is this cool door that links our garage to my studio.

Love this hinge also:

You know me...I just adore anything painted white:)

Here are some beautiful daises I just unique colors!

The husband and I are working on my garden also so hopefully I will show you some pictures from there soon!

Hope everyone had a great day:)  I just love summer!


  1. looks like a beautiful place you have there, those flowers were lovely!

  2. Michelle...your pictures are absolutely beautiful!

  3. yes, it all looks good to me. enjoy your weekend!


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