Friday, July 9, 2010

Floral Still Lifes

Hello!  Happy Friday to you!  Hope you had a lovely week!  I have been busy in the studio creating many little floral still life paintings.  Most of these are not in my "usual" collage style.  I love to paint with acrylics and was just playing around with some different pictures I found in some of my old Martha Stewart magazines.   Her magazines always have such wonderful photo references:)

Here is a still life more in my usual collage/abstract style:  

Still Life 1
The rest are just some fun practice paintings I did using acrylic paint:

Still Life 2

Still Life 3

Still Life 4 (copied from a vintage painting I found in a magazine)

Well I wish you a wonderful weekend!  I am off to work on some more paintings:)

1 comment:

  1. oh, i love all of these, especially the second one. i've been going through my martha magazines and often tear out the articles on flower arrangements. they're always so gorgeous. enjoy your weekend!


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