Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer Days

The one thing I LOVE about summer vacation is that I get to sleep in as late as I want and there is usually no hurry to get up and go!  I get to relax and drink my latte while watching the news.  That is what I am doing right now:)  Sleeping in late means 7/ 7:30 am though because Mr. Jack Henry likes to get me up early to go outside.  Today he got me up at 6:30...ahhh!

This is how Mr. Jack Henry usually spends his time.

I hope you are enjoying your summer as well!  Today I am going to continue working on my projects for my online masters class.  I cannot wait to be done with it!  I also hope to work on some more artwork and to finally list some new artwork in my etsy shop.  I actually have some prints to sell in my shop and I am excited to post them!

Well here is another little artwork I worked on yesterday in my summer studio.  

This 5 x 5 original painting is part of my Head in the Clouds series. I am obsessed with clouds right now.  They can be so happy sometimes:)

Well I am off to start my day!  Have a great one!


  1. Charming painting! I love the colors!

  2. oh...sleeping in is something i don't do much with kids, but i dream about it ;)

  3. i love your little mr. jack henry!

  4. Mr Jack Henry is quite that handsome devil!!


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