Saturday, August 7, 2010

Saturday Surprise:)

Good Morning Lovelies!  Hope everything is going well with you!  I had a fantastic Friday night celebrating my birthday with my family.  I even got to have peach cobbler with vanilla ice cream as my birthday "cake".  I have been craving peach cobbler for a while now so it was very exciting for me:)

Today I am off to a cookout with some wonderful friends.  Love summer cookouts!  Actually, I love cookouts anytime of the year:)
I actually also have some fun news to is kind of big news.....

It involves a room we are working on:

Here are some things I would like to put in this room:




The husband and I are having a baby girl!  She is due December 18th and we are super excited:)  I am on my 22nd week and feel very good so far!  I am still running every day (at a much slower pace of course!) and have had major cravings for fruit and vanilla ice cream!  I just wanted to share this exciting news with you!

Well I am off to look for more fun baby items:)  I am so excited to plan her nursery!

Have a great Saturday 


  1. COngrats! You are going to be such a great mommy.

  2. congratulations to you! And that butterfly mobile is gorgeous.

  3. Happy Birthday and congrats to the both of you! That's a lot of happy news to share in one post! And peach cobbler??? that's too much happy for me to handle : )

  4. wow, this is exciting news! big congrats :)
    happy birthday too!

  5. congratulations on the baby girl!!

  6. So thrilled for you and your family!
    Congratulations and Happy Birthday!
    YAy!!! ")


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