Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Winter Wonderland- Original Artwork

Here is my newest artwork that will be in my etsy store soon!  I am enjoying the beautiful fall colors here in Ohio but am already excited for Christmas!  Is it too early to listen to Christmas music?  Probably!  Meanwhile the husband and I are getting ready for Little Lady's arrival which will be in 2 months!  Craziness!  Busy, busy, busy!  Well have a great day!


  1. It is never too early to start listening to Christmas music. :)

    Are you super excited only 2 months!?

  2. Yes! Super excited and a little freaked out about 2 months! ahh!

  3. I am super excited for you!

    Have you been playing your baby music?

  4. Michelle, your work is so joyful and spontaneous! Love to see your new work! Happy Holidays!! lol

  5. This is a FUN little piece, and NO, it's not too early for holiday music, I'm playing mine, too. :)


Thanks for the comments! I love to hear what you have to say:)