Thursday, December 9, 2010

Gift Ideas for the Ladies that Give Back

Kerry and Myself (I am wearing one of her necklaces!)

Hello!  I just wanted to promote my lovely cousin Kerry's etsy shop called Sweet Charity Designs.  It is an amazing jewelry shop where ALL of the proceeds go to Maria High School in Chicago, Illinois.  Kerry was an art teacher at Maria High school for a couple of years and wanted to find a way to financially help the students. 

From her profile on etsy:

"I am a former art teacher from a Catholic high school on the southwest side of Chicago. I am now a stay-at-home mom, yet I still want to do something to help support the education of young inner-city women.

I teamed up with one of the Sisters I taught with to form "Sweet Charity Designs". We work together on creating the merchandise. I handle internet sales, and Sister Clement goes to craft shows.

100% of our profits go directly into the Maria High School scholarship fund to give underprivileged and exceptional young women the chance for an excellent education.

Maria is a Catholic secondary high school for young women located on the southwest side of Chicago across from Marquette Park in the Chicago Lawn community."

Here are some of  her awesome pieces from her store:

 I personally have bought a bunch of gifts for people from Kerry this Christmas and I am planning on buying some more for myself later also!  So if you get a chance, check out her site!


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