Monday, December 6, 2010

Winter is Here...Officially

View from my kitchen window
 Our  backyard (my summer studio is on the right...too cold to be out there now!)

Well it has been snowing pretty hard this morning in Northeast Ohio.  It is definitely starting to feel like Christmas:)  

The husband and I are complete Christmas dorks.  We LOVE Christmas and go all out this time of year!  Check out our decorations so far:

Our tree

Going up into our loft

The loft landing
Kitchen centerpiece

I hope you are enjoying the season wherever you may be!  I have just started my maternity leave per my doctor.  She thought it would be a good idea for me to rest and relax before the baby comes...I would have to agree!  I am loving this whole concept of relaxing:)

Today I think I am going to do some artwork and probably some much has to be done before she comes!  

I will leave you with a great song that my little brother introduced me to called Bridge to Nowhere by The Sam Roberts Band

Have a great day:)


  1. I'm a Christmas dork too!! I love your house and tree and that you have snow right now. Merry Christmas and am glad you are having a maternity break. That is such an exciting time. Don't over do now!

  2. Your house is Christmas ready! :)

    All of our snow melted. and I didn't get a chance to do any snow angels.

  3. i love your christmas decorations and how perfectly timed to start having snow. enjoy your rest and thanks for the song. love it!


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