Monday, December 13, 2010

Winter Trees

I am kind of obsessed with this white and gold paper I made a while ago and have been using it for almost everything.  I love the simplicity of white and the cleanliness of it.  Anytime I go to an estate or garage sale and purchase furniture I always paint it just goes with everything!
I am STILL waiting for the little one to make her appearance.  You will know when she comes because I might not post for a couple of days!  Meanwhile I am going to continue making art while I am not so busy and the husband and I are trying to stay warm in Ohio by making cheese dip and watching Christmas movies!  Weird combination...yes but fun:)  Hope you have a lovely Monday!


  1. Cheese dip and movies- sounds perfect! Has baby had any odd cravings yet?

    White and gold is such a great color combo.

  2. Ha, we had cheese dip yesterday. Love the collages! This one makes me think of Matisse with the bold cut out line quality. Best wishes with the waiting time and then the birthing time!!


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