Sunday, February 6, 2011

Birthday Cake

Today is the husband's birthday.  He is turning the big 3-0.  We are EXACTLY 6 months apart so I am halfway to the big birthday.  To celebrate, I got a lovely ice cream cake.  Of course I took pictures because it was so pretty....and delicious!


Turning 30 means he is officially a grown up.  This means that I am almost a grown up!  I don't know how I feel about that!  The husband didn't want to do anything too crazy for his birthday.  We hung out with little I and ate cake all day long:)  Right now I am "watching" the Super Bowl.  Actually I am just watching the commercials.  So far I am not too impressed but the night is young!

By the way, notice that I am blogging again?!  The husband fixed my computer however everything was still lost:(  At least I can get online, I thought I was going to go crazy without internet access.  It is amazing how much I have come to rely on the internet.  Craziness.  I will continue with my 10 minute sketches but in reality I might only be able to do only 1 every other day or so.  Little I requires all of my attention:)

Have a great Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. 30 was a hard year for me- so long 20's :) THe cake looks delicious.


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