Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Love Day

Happy Valentine's Day!  I hope everyone is able to spend time with the people you love today:)  Little "I"'s Valentine present to me was sleeping until 6:30!  A whole night of sleeping!  Hooray!  

It is a little warmer here today but we still have lots of snow on the ground.
We are supposed to get 50 degree temperatures by the end of the week!  Yay!  I can FINALLY take Little "I" out on a walk!  I have been dreaming about doing that for a while. I definitely have some cabin fever!  Well I am off to celebrate the day, hope you have a lovely one!


  1. Happy V day. baby's first Valentines. Are you going to start dressing baby up in themed outfits? :)

  2. it's really warm here today and beautiful! happy love day you three! xo, c

  3. Erika,

    I definitely took a picture today of Isla in a red, pink and white outfit and texted it to my mom and mother-in-law! Never thought I would be that mom!


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