Monday, June 20, 2011

Crazy Cool Creative Watercolor Self-Portraits

Yes...crazy cool creative.  Try saying that 5 times fast.   So, since I have been gone so long from the blog world (3 whole months!), I thought I would post some projects from my painting classes.  So here are their "crazy, cool and creative" self-portraits done in watercolor. 

Some close up ones:

I love this one because it totally fits his personality.....

And this one turned out pretty well:

To complete this project I took a high contrast picture of each student with my digital camera and then played around with it in my iphoto program to get the best contrasts.  I wanted the shadows to help define the students' faces.  Students then gridded their photographs and drew their faces on watercolor paper using the grid as a guide.  They then had to fracture their faces into different shapes and use at least 10 different watercolor techniques (rubbing alcohol, salt, wax resist, saran wrap, etc.)  I will have to post the watercolor technique chart in another blog post!  The students completed these portraits with my long-term sub while I was gone on maternity leave.  I was so lucky to have such a wonderful sub!

Well I hope you have a fantastic day today!  What are your plans?  This morning I have to take Little "I" in for her 6 month dr. appointment.  YUCK:(  She has to get another round of vaccines today.  Poor "I".  Other than that I think I am going to try and get some art done today and of course play with Little "I". 

1 comment:

  1. wow that class there are some talented kids.

    Such a good mommey you are taking her to the appointments... she is probly going to be real tired from her shots.. so maybe art? :)


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