Thursday, June 23, 2011

Seashore Life

Have I mentioned that I am totally in love with anything that has to do with the seashore?  I have always loved the idea of living on a little cottage near the shore.  I recently discovered the most amazing blog called A Beach Cottage.  It is all about a woman named Sarah's life on the sea in her little cottage in Australia.  Her decorating style is AMAZING!  I am a huge fan of everything white, clean and cozy.  Her cottage is my dream home:)  Check her out if you get a chance!

While going through an old poem book of mine I came across this lovely little poem:


Play on the seashore
And gather up shells,
Kneel in the damp sands
Digging wells

Run on the rocks
Where the seaweed slips,
Watch the waves
And the beautiful ships.

-Mary Britton Miller

Conjures up wonderful thoughts of the beach, doesn't it? 

1 comment:

  1. I love seashells especially in the summer time. I don't know what it is about the ocean that is soo relaxing.


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