Friday, July 8, 2011

My Island Adventure

Well I am back!  I have been without an internet connection for 2 weeks!   I was at my parents' cottage on one of the Lake Erie islands.  They just built their cottage last October and it is our first summer relaxing and fun!

Here is the husband and I driving to the ferry boat(you can't reach the island by is a true island!)

Here is the view on the ferry boat

Once we got to the island we saw:

Gorgeous new favorite flower!

An awesome roadway with lots of shade.

A charming home off the road (very secluded!)

The old school house with amazing hydrangeas!

Finally we got to my parents' cottage.  It is right on the lake.  The cottage is small and modest but the view is AMAZING!  My parents bought the lot 30 years ago and finally were able to build (college costs and a wedding kind of put the cottage on hold!)  Our lot used to be called "Sunset Park."  This is why:

Our "backyard":

I could live there forever!  It is such a quaint island!  There is only one store and two restaurants.  The entire time I was there I looked for beach glass, rocks shaped like hearts and painted (I will post about that this week!) Little I and I went walking everyday and smiled and waved to everyone because everyone was super friendly. *sigh*  I can't wait to go back!

Anyways I hope everyone is doing well!  How was your 4th of July?  I hope you are all well and enjoying your summer.  I will post more about my little island adventure tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. such a perfect 4th :) love all the pics. It's always great to unplug from life and have some amazing adventures.


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